Price Chopper Sets Up Sweets for Halloween

Local grocery store, Price Chopper, was decked out in the Halloween spirit. Shopper an expect to find sales on cookies, cakes, candy, and more. Photo by Ariel Thompson.
Price Chopper Sets Up Sweets for Halloween
Local grocery store, Price Chopper, was decked out in the Halloween spirit. Shopper an expect to find sales on cookies, cakes, candy, and more. Photo by Ariel Thompson.


On Monday October 29th, Price Chopper celebrated Halloween in a unique way with their customers. The local grocery store hosted an event they called, “All Treats no tricks”. The event was primarily for children shopping with their parents. Walking in Price Chopper, there was a table placed in the front of the store where a friendly Price Chopper worker explained the setup. At the front table, kids were invited to fill out a worksheet with their name and phone number to enter them into a contest for an ipod touch, or a pair of “Dr. Dre Beats”, a popular type of headphones. The kids were then presented with a bag to collect the treats offered throughout the store.

The store was set up in stations, so as the customers walked through the store different prizes were awarded to the kids. The eager children were given an apple, Gronola Bar, String Cheese, Chocolate Bar, a tasty beverage. There was even a Cakewalk for the kids to participate in, in which the winner won a cupcake.

By the end of the shopping trip the kids left with a full bag, and anticipation of the of the upcoming announcement of the winner of the Ipod and headphone drawings. The parents seemed pleased as well, not only were their kids excited for Halloween, but they had just enjoyed a shopping trip, and had many healthy snacks to eat at home.

Story by Hailey Skinner

