West Remembers Sgt. Morgan

A memorial has been placed in the social studies department to honor Mr. Morgan, who passed away during last school year. The name plates are to be filled up with the names of the winners of the scholarship created in his memory.
Mr. Morgan Memorial Photo by: Kathryn Hilger
A memorial has been placed in the social studies department to honor John Morgan, who passed away during last school year. The name plates are to be filled up with the names of the winners of the scholarship created in his memory.     Photo by Kathryn Hilger

A memorial has been placed in the Social Studies department, honoring the late History teacher John “Sarge” Morgan.

Morgan passed away during the last few weeks of the 2011-2012 school year, nearly completing his seventh year of teaching, his first year at West. The memorial outlines his education career and his 24 years of service in the United States Air Force.

Along with the memorial, a scholarship has been created in his memory.

By: Claudia Guthrie

