Freshmen Transition Day


Here’s what the incoming freshmen thought about freshmen transition day.


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What is the scariest part of Freshmen Transition day?

“The scariest part of today is lunch because you don’t know where everyone is and everyone is like leaving and coming.”

What is the best part of the day?

“The best part of the day is like getting to see who’s already in your class so you know for the first day.”

-Addyson Harrigan


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What is the most helpful part of Freshmen Transition Day?

“The most helpful part of today was probably all the teachers telling us about how the whole system works and where all the classes are.”

-Chase Mosby


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What has been the most helpful part of freshman transition day?

“I liked how the upperclassmen were helping us find our way through classes and stuff. That was nice.”

-Maryam Khlil





