West remembers 9/11


Jesslyn Jakobe

This past Friday, West students were greeted with Hundreds of American flags that decorated the courtyard as they walked into to school.  

That morning marked the 14th anniversary of a terrorist tragedy that swept the nation, and struck fear in the hearts of Americans everywhere. On the morning of September 11, 2001 two planes collided into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center and the Pentagon building in New York City, killing thousands, and leaving America in a state of devastation.  

West teachers placed flags in the courtyard in memory of this tragedy, as a way to respect those whose lives were lost, and to remind people to never forget. 9/11 was a crucial point in American history, and the flags are West’s way of representing that.  

Much positive feedback was received from the students who showed their approval in person and on social media. Junior Rabin Poudel sees the flags as a sign of solidarity among Americans.

“It shows that we’re all American, and that we still remember what happened on 9/11… and that we still connect even though it happened a long time ago.”

Putting out the flags is one of many ways that West strives to commemorate 9/11. A school-wide moment of silence was taken for the victims, and many teachers showed videos to their classes to educate them about what happened.

“I like how the history classes talk about 9/11, and how we respect the day.” said Poudel.   

History teacher Matt Turner has been in charge of organizing the flags with the other teachers for a few years now, starting the tradition on the 10th year anniversary of 9/11.This year he is encouraging people to take part in the “Born on 9/11” kindness campaign, where participants perform one act of kindness in their community in memory of 9/11.


