Titans take on Europe


McKenna Bell

All current freshmen and sophomores have the opportunity to join the history department on their leadership trip to Europe from July 2-15, 2019.

Those going on the trip will visit sites in Poland, Czech Republic, Germany, and Switzerland. Each of these sites have very important pieces of European history that students and teachers will gain information about to take back to the classroom with them. “The trip was designed to give students a deeper understanding of the role communication played during the time of the Holocaust in Europe, and a deeper understanding of the Holocaust itself”, history teacher, Victoria Zonko said. The trip has an element of immersive travel in that we will be visiting sites pertaining to the devastation related to the Holocaust,” added history teacher, Rhonda Ireland.

The Global Student Leadership Summit was designed to build students’ leaderships skills through the design-thinking model and interaction with other students on the trip. While students are at the leadership summit, teachers have the opportunity to attend professional workshops to gain perspectives on these events, and figure out ways to introduce this information in the classroom.

Freshman Erin Cutler is one of the students going on the trip next summer. “I have always wanted to go to Europe and see what it was like and how it was different from America,” Cutler said. “When I found out about the trip from my history teacher, I thought it would be a good idea to see if I could go.”

“This trip has ties to several different classes,” Zonko said. Students who will be starting their sophomore year this fall will read the memoir, Night by Elie Wiesel in English. The students who attend will visit Auschwitz, the concentration camp from the book.

Cutler is most looking forward to visiting Auschwitz, a German concentration camp. “It’s like once-in-a-lifetime to be able to see the camps – to see what they look like and try to feel how the people back then were feeling in the camp,” Cutler said.

World travel helps us to grow as individuals and see how others live….while helping them to see how Midwesterners live,” Ireland said. “It helps foster an appreciation for others’ way of life while at the same time deepening our appreciation of home.”

There are currently a few spots open for this trip, however those spots are limited. Only forty five people will be able to attend this trip. Those interested should contact Mrs. Ireland or Ms. Zonko in person or through email for additional information.

