Varsity Soccer Battles Ray-Pec


Story by Alex Asbury

On Sept. 22nd, boys varsity soccer played a home game. The rival team was Ray-Pec and it was no easy feat. West won with a score close score of 2 to 1.

By halftime the score was tied 1 to 1.Varsity soccer player Dalton Dye said he thinks this was a hard fought game.

“I believe the effort we gave last night was outstanding,” said Dye.

Out of the many games the Ray-Pec game could be compared to any Lee’s Summit North or  Blue Springs South game.

“It was one of our better games tactically, but overall the difficulty last night was equally hard compared to LSN or BSSHS,” said

Finally, the winning shot was scored by Senior Tony Mok.

Catch the boys Varsity soccer team in another home game as they take on Lee’s Summit on Thurs. 9/24 at 6:30. The team currently has a winning record with its only loss to Lee’s Summit North.


