Titan Tips: How to Thrift Like a Pro



By Jesslyn Jakobe

The summer season is upon us again at West, and students are making the fashion transition from their winter sweaters into tanks and shorts. While some stores like Buckle, Victoria’s Secret, and Forever 21 may break the bank, a popular and cost-efficient alternative is to visit a local thrift store.


At first glance the seemingly neverending racks of clothes may look a little daunting, but here is a collection of tips to make the best of a summer thrifting experience.


There are different types of thrift stores to visit in Lee’s Summit, and knowing which store sells what can make a thrifting trip much easier. When looking for a cheap buy, try visiting the the Red Racks Thrift Store in downtown Lee’s Summit or the local Goodwill. Clothes and items found at these stores will generally be very affordable for a large quantity. A downside of these types of stores is that there may be some wear and tear on the merchandise, but they are still great locations to visit and find unique dresses, jeans, t-shirts, etc.


An alternative option to traditional thrifting is an upscale consignment store, such as Mary Margaret’s or Plato’s Closet. These stores are selective in the types of items they take, so the clothing will be of higher quality, but for a slightly more expensive price.


It’s important to keep in mind that not every thrifting trip will end with a fabulous find. Sometimes things won’t fit, and sometimes the clothes may be drab or dirty. The only way to find something great that fits your style is to keep on looking.


Try checking out the “Put back” rack from the fitting room, visit other stores, or even come back again on a different day. Thrifting can be a tedious process, and it can take time to find that “hidden gem” piece of clothing.


Another great way to get a fun style from your thrifted merchandise is to do a bit of upscaling and DIYs. The best thing to do is to hit the internet for inspiration. Websites like Pinterest or Youtube have great tips and tricks to recycle old unwanted clothes into something brand new that can be worn again and again.


Thrift shopping is a fun and cost efficient way to expand your wardrobe and spend some free time during the summer. Whether it’s snagging a deal at the Goodwill or refashioning an old t-shirt, there are so many options that thrifting has to offer. So grab a friend and some money, and make the most of a great thrift trip.

