69.7 F
Lee\'s Summit, MO
Sunday, February 9, 2025
Tags Garrett Baylie

Tag: Garrett Baylie

Senior Creates Rap Career Through Sound Cloud

Senior Dylan Taylor makes a name for himself through his rap career on Sound Cloud.

Disaster for Jewish Americans

Shooting as a synagogue in Pittsburg Pensilvania kills 11 and leaves several injured. Infographic by Garrett Baylie

Teacher Involvement In Outside Hobby

Modified World History and Algebra teacher Lynn Bachman keeps bee's on her family farm.

Drying Heat

Garrett Baylie made an infographic about how the drought we recently went through effected Missouri's economy and livestock.


Belle Braton, Garrett Baylie, Zach Watson, and Joey Caton broach the heavy topic of right and wrong in this short film "Morality"
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