Teen Read Week Zombies vs. Humans


To celebrate Teen Read week, the library media specialists organized a Zombies versus Humans competition for students at West.

The game started Monday, and all the competitors received a bandana. The humans wear their bandanas in their back pockets and the zombies wear theirs tied around their arms. Then the zombies try to pull the humans’ bandanas out of their pockets to turn them into zombies.

The library is hosting a week-long zombies vs. humans game, an event in which students participate in competition for both fun and a free lunch. Photo by Ben Welch

Winners will be the zombies who have turned the most humans and anyone who has managed to remain human through the end of school Friday. They will receive lunch from Costa Vita.

On Monday there were 25 participants but there was more student interest, so ten more people joined the struggle for survival today. There are now 33 students and 2 teachers participating in the game.

The goal of it is, said Library Media Specialist Amy Taylor, “to generate excitement for the library and to get kids into the library who normally aren’t, and to get them to recognize the library as a place for fun and not just a place to check out books.”

By: Anna Poudel

