Julianne Thomas Gets Gold


   The club FCCLA has three individual members going to state and one of their culinary teams will be going to state as well. The three members are freshman Emma Punt and Julianne Thomas, and Senior Courtney Rosencrants. The FCCLA Competition was held on February 12th at Harmony Vineyard Church in north Kansas City.

   FAC’s teacher, Ellen Small said, “Julianne,Emma, and Courtney would come after school and we would advise them and Mrs.Holstein worked with them more… she would advise them but not do any part of their project. They had to do everything on their own.”

   Emma Punt won gold in the Illustrated Talk portion of the competition. Punt’s talk was about childhood hunger. Punt stayed after school everyday for a month to get guidance on her project.

Julianne Thomas is proud of her project she made for FCCLA. She spents twoo months creating it and won gold.

Punt said, “I was relieved and happy to get to go to state.”

Julianne Thomas also won gold at this competition. Thomas won gold in the Career Investigation category.

   “I stayed after school for like two months working on it with my teachers,” said Thomas. Before for the competition Thomas was ready to compete, “I was prepared but, I was nervous,” she said.

   All the work paid off in the end, when she won gold .Thomas said she felt, “Relieved! Really relieved, I felt like everything was lifted off my shoulders.

   Rosencrants also won gold. “I pretty much went through all the activities we did for our chapter… got all the pictures together and I pretty much just put them in a scrapbook and then decorated the scrapbook.”

   Before the competition Rosencrants wasn’t confident in her project. She said, “I was really nervous, I kind of felt like I wasn’t going to go to state… I was really nervous”

   Winning gold was a big relief of stress for Rosencrants, “I was really excited. I felt like I really didn’t present that well, but I’m just glad that I won just because it’s my senior year.”


