Archers hit bullseye at nationals


Katniss Everdeen has nothing on this team. Twenty-four LSW archers competed in archery nationals in Louisville from May 8 through May 10. They placed 59 out of 170 teams at Nationals, and received the third highest score of all Missouri teams that qualified.

Before moving onto nationals, the team placed fifth at State. On top of being the 2014 State champion, Freshman Shelby Winslow also broke the state record.

Twenty-four archers participated in nationals last weekend. They will moving onto Worlds in July.
Twenty-four archers participated in nationals last weekend. They will moving onto Worlds in July.

The entire team is moving on to the World Tournament. Winslow placed fifth overall at nationals and will be moving on individually to the All-Nations All-Star Tournament, which is made up of the top sixteen scoring archers in the nation.

Winslow has been involved in archery since she was in sixth grade.

“I practice every day, and then a few times a day right before big tournaments. I’ve probably shot about 40,000 arrows to this date,” said Winslow.

Winslow’s favorite thing about archery at West is being able to see all of her hard work pay off and being able to do so with all of her friends.

The girls compete at Worlds from July 11 through July 13 and the All-Nations All-Star Tournament is immediately after.

