Retiring Teachers: Pamela Holstein


What are your plans after you retire?

“After I retire, I will be taking care of my 2 grandsons while their parents are at work. My family–daughter, son-in-law and two grandsons are planning to relocate in the Minneapolis area–so it looks like a major move in also in my future. I am looking forward to exploring Minneapolis.”


What is your favorite memory about West?

“I have so many memories–but one that keeps me smiling is when a preschool student, a 4 year old, accidentally pulled the fire alarm. The teacher, a student of mine, was playing I Spy in the hallway. She was directing the little ones to find something red, not the fire alarm, and the little boy said ‘I see it!’ and jumped up to touch the fire alarm setting it off.  The horrified look at the student teacher was priceless. And of course the whole school headed out into the parking lots for the alarm.”


What are you going to miss about West?

“I will miss the students and all the staff here at West. This has been such a wonderful place to teach! I feel truly blessed to have had the opportunity to work here. I started when the school opened. But I will especially miss the first days of school–all the excitement of starting a new year, new students, new classes and seeing how much former students of mine have changed over the summer.”

