Recipe: Chocolate Chip Cookie Bowls


Have a sweet tooth but are tired of regular desserts? Try these bowls to mix things up!



Ingredients: (amount may vary depending on how much is made)

  • Chocolate chip cookie dough. For this we bought Pillsbury cookie dough but if you want to make cookie dough from scratch click here for a classic chocolate chip cookie recipe.
  • Your favorite ice cream. We stuck with a simple french vanilla ice cream from Blue Bunny.
  • A muffin tin. (You may also need cooking spray depending on the type of tin you are using.)



  • Split the cookie dough into 2 equal sections.
  • Roll out the first section onto the cooking surface as wide as it will go, but the consistency can not get too thin.
  • With that section, make circles in the cookie dough using a circular object just a little bigger than the bottom of each hole of the muffin tin. Do not make them too big because the cookie dough will spread as it cooks!

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  • With the second section of cookie dough, create enough small balls of dough to put on as many of the muffin tins that you are using. These will go on top of every muffin tin to create a base for the bowl.
  • Once you have put each ball on top of the tin, mold each circle of cookie dough from the first section on top of the muffin tin until it covers about half of the muffin tin.


  • Now they are ready to be put into the oven. Bake them according to the cookie dough recipe you used. For us that was 10-12 minutes at 350 degrees.
  • When they are done, put a scoop of ice cream in them and any toppings you may want. Enjoy!

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