Boys Swim Cuts



Photo and story by Parker Allwood

Lee’s Summit West’s Boys Swim & Dive Team has had a great start to their season by winning all of their meets but two, which they placed second in. But they are more focused this year on meets down the line like State more than smaller dual meets. “ I hope to have at least five or six individuals qualify for state and hopefully have a few all state swimmers.” says coach Colleen Gibler. Some of the swimmer that have already qualified for state are Senior Garrett Spencer and Junior Zack Andrews. “I’ve been qualifying individually for state since my junior year, this year so far I have qualified individually for the 100 yard Free, 100 yard Breast and 50 yard Free”, says Spencer. “ Are relays will do a lot better than last year, we will probably place top eight”. With only losing two seniors last year boys swim and dive team still have the bulk of their strongest swimmers. “ I think we have the ability to win Conference, if everyone is in their correct event and everyone is properly trained”, says Junior Zack Andrews. “ So far I’ve qualified individually in the 500 yard Free, the 200 yard Free, 200 yard I.M, 100 yard Free and 100 yard Fly”, adds Andrews. With lots of training and high hopes all around the boys swim and dive team’s future is looking bright.



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