Sophomores Head to Union Station


Mia Guidolin

On Dec. 14-16, all advanced sophomore english and history classes will be taking a field trip to the Auschwitz exhibition at Union Station in Kansas City. The classes will be separated into three groups, all of which will be visiting the exhibit on one of the three days. Sophomore english classes have been studying “Night,” by Elie Wiesel, a memoir written about Wiesel’s time as a boy in the concentration camps and his experiences. 

We hope that through Elie Wiesel’s powerful narrative and through the exhibit, students will have a better understanding of the Holocaust and what Elie endured,” Mary Beth Rich said, an English teacher at West that will be going on the trip. Teachers hope that students learn more about the Holocaust with the immersion that the exhibit will provide. “We believe that immersion is a powerful tool,” Rich said. 

