Editor Profiles: A Look Into the Past


Hailey Skinner

As another school year begins at West, students in all activities and social spectrums step into new positions and fill the shoes that past classmates left behind. The Titan Scroll has developed, evolved, and changed throughout the years right along with the staff members who created it. Perhaps one of the most important roles on the Titan Scroll staff is the role of editor-in-cheif. As the editors change year after year, so does the paper. Whether the paper changed for the better or worse is up to the readers, but one thing is for sure: the editors of the paper over the last ten years have all played a part in what the Titan Scroll is today.


Name: Abigail Jasinkski

abb School year served: 2008-2009

Favorite story written as editor:  “If I had to pick, I would say my favorite story was the one I wrote about sexting….when I was in high school, texting was becoming more and more common as a main method of communication and there was no question that students were sending sexually-explicit messages,” Jasinski said.

To make this story happen and to warn students about the danger and legal consequences of sexting, Jasinski not only interviewed a member of the Police Department but also students themselves (anonymously of course) and got some pretty honest answers. “I was really glad I did it. Not only was it really interesting for me to write, it’s an important topic for students to discuss and likely something several students needed to hear.”

Current/Future Plans:

-Currently finishing her last semester as an undergraduate at Missouri State University (MSU) in Springfield

-Served in many leadership positions at MSU

-Will graduate with a bachelor’s degree in Computer Information Systems and Technical Writing

-Currently works at a law firm in Springfield and plans on attending law school

-Hopes to move to the East Coast and drive sail boats every weekend

Name:  Ally McEntireally

School Year served:  2009-2010

Biggest lesson learned as editor: “I think the best things I learned was that there is a way to be an editor and a friend at the same time, but there’s a good balance you have to reach. You have to have people who are willing to listen to you.”

Curent/Future plans:

-Currently in Melbourne, Australia working on her second-to-last semester in International Convergence Journalism through the University of Missouri

-Planning to graduate college soon

-Plans on landing an internship in Australia or looking for a reporting gig somewhere on the Northern East or West coast in the United States


Name: Sydney Owenssydneyeps

School year served: 2011-2012

What convinced her to be editor: “Ever since I started newspaper freshman year I wanted to be the editor. The editors I had as a writer freshman year were really cool, and I think that helped make me want to be an editor. I also wanted to leave my mark on both the newspaper and the school.”

Current/Future plans:

-Currently studying to become an elementary school teacher.

-Attending the University of Missouri Kansas City.

Name: Taylor Jensen

School year served: 2012-2013taylorpic

Most stressful thing about being editor: “It was most stressful knowing I was the sole person responsible for the paper while also having such a large staff that also made many decisions. Everything came back to me and especially when we were praised, I wanted everyone involved to know that I knew they did their fair share as well. It also became stressful trying to manage the staff while still maintaining a good sense of friendship among everyone. It was easier with those who understood all the responsibilities that came with being editor.”

Current/Future Plans:

-Currently attending Missouri State University

-Plans to major in public relations where she will be able to incorporate her love of communication, editing and layout

-Plans to minor in gerontology


Name: Jenna Keeblejenna

School year served: 2010-2011

Favorite memory as editor: “I have many favorite memories during my time as editor, which is one of the reasons senior year was my favorite year of high school. If I had to pick a favorite though, it would be the nights spent on layout. The relationships made with Mrs. Ullery and the staff were the best part of newspaper for me, and this is where we spent the most time together working, eating and just laughing and having fun.”


Current/Future plans:

-Currently a junior at the University of Missouri (MU)

-Majoring in Elementary Education

-Very involved in MU’s greek life community

-Plans to move back to the Kansas City area to teach




