Orchestra Member Wins All State For Third Time

Senior Violist Kathryn Hilger and Junior Bassist Quinn Mosier were named to the All State Orchesta both for the third time. Photo by Maddi Cipolla.
Senior Violist Kathryn Hilger and Junior Bassist Quinn Mosier were named to the All State Orchesta both for the third time. Photo by Maddi Cipolla.

Senior Kathryn Hilger, got her 3rd state title at the state orchestra competition. Hilger spent a lot of time practicing the music at home and in private practice sessions with Orchestra teacher, Kirt Mosier.

Hilger said, “I put in countless hours on the music.I was chosen all three years due to a lot of hard work on my part. A lot of people don’t realize how much time and effort is put into an audition. I usually would start seriously working on the excerpts four months before the audition. Sometimes I would spend 30 minutes perfecting two measures. My family was not a fan of that! It is a lot of work and stress but 100% worth it.”

Hilger got her first state record as a sophomore and has gotten one every since.

Senior Kathryn Hilger prepares for chair auditions before All-State Orchestra this week. This will mark Kathryn's third apperance in the Missouri All-State Orchestra on viola. Photo by Michelle Stout
Senior Kathryn Hilger prepares for chair auditions before All-State Orchestra this week. This will mark Kathryn’s third apperance in the Missouri All-State Orchestra on viola. Photo by Michelle Stout

Hilger said, “I got in the All-State orchestra for the first time in December 2011 and the second time in December 2012. The actual performances were in January 2012 and 2013”

Being a 3rd time All-Stater can be challenging but also gives you the honor of best the best.

Hilger said, “It was very difficult. The music itself is not the most challenging I have ever played, but there isn’t very much of it. You have to spend time on little things that wouldn’t normally be noticed but in this setting will set you apart from other students. Auditions are very competitive and part of it is mental as well. You have to prepare yourself for the audition mentally because even though you might have played it perfectly every practice session for the last week, nerves can change everything. Even little mistakes matter!”

Story by Megan Sparks



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