Alayna Wyatt: artist and fashion icon


Kristen Cox

For most, purchasing clothes is just a simple trip to the mall, but for senior Alayna Wyatt, it is much more. She has been sewing since the age of seven, and making her own clothes since she was nine.

She got her start in fashion from observing her mother and grandmother. “I grew up around these two women who altered their own clothes for individualized fitting and created their own gowns for special events,” said Wyatt.

A taste for fashion runs in the family. Wyatt’s grandmother taught her mom how to sew, who later taught Wyatt.

“It wasn’t until I was coincidently gifted a dress form, at the age of nine, that I began to design my own clothes. I collected every abandoned scrap of fabric I could find and used them to create garments on that dress form,” said Wyatt.

Wyatt’s interests shine through in different art forms. Here at West, she participates in Portfolio I and Painting III.

Brandon Briscoe has had Alayna in a variety of classes throughout high school. “After having her in Painting I, I immediately recognized some things about her: she takes authenticity seriously, she cares about other people more than herself, and values concepts and ideas in her creative process,” said Briscoe.

“I find inspiration in my portfolio art teacher Mr. Briscoe, who teaches us to refer to the known, but in new ways that lack the overdone. Having him as a teacher has caused me to recognize and uproot the cliqued ideas my mind has made a habit of running to,” said Wyatt.

Proud of the work she puts into the creation of her clothes, she doesn’t care about what people think. “I would never not wear something because it was too unusual or I was nervous of people’s opinions,” said Wyatt.

Senior Jayme Horn is a dear friend of Wyatt. “I admire her ability to make unique clothing pieces, and I adore her style. It is incredible how she is able to turn any clothes she buys from thrift stores, into original trendy outfits,” said Horn.

Briscoe is known around school for being particularly fashionable. “She is way more fashionable than me as a whole, but I do think we have a similar aesthetic,” said Briscoe.

An inspiration to many, Horn looks up to Wyatt’s fashion sense. “She is capable of anything, she is a master of fashion trends,” said Horn.

Wyatt’s ways may be a little unconventional, but it is noticeable  “As an art instructor it is refreshing to have a student who is so “at home” in their own skin,” said Briscoe.

