A Christmas Story Review


Westside Stage’s winter performance, A Christmas Story, premiered earlier this season.

This is the first time any Lee’s Summit school has done this version of the play. The play is based on the well-known 1983 film and follows the story of Ralphie Parker in his endeavors to get his hands on the only thing he wants for Christmas: an official Red Ryder Carbine-Action Two-Hundred-Shot Range Model Air Rifle, with a compass and a thing that tells time built right into the stock.

Ugly Sweaters Hit West
Sophmore Emmanuel Llorente ponders what is in the box while rehersing alongside Junior Conor Tierney for West’s production of A Christmas Story. The theater department hosts opening night of the winter production starting on December 14th. Photos by Michelle Stout

Senior Abe Shay-Zapian narrates the tale as a grown-up Ralphie and Sophomore Emmanual Llorente portrays child-Ralphie. Juniors Maddie Campbell and Conor Tierney are hilarious as Ralphie’s parents.

The play sticks closely with the film, with a clinky boiler, a tacky leg lamp, and an unfortunate incident involving a tongue and a cold metal pole. But the performance also adds elements of its own such as Ralphie’s crush Ester Jane, played by Senior Courtney Shanholtzer.

Senior Adam Barry-Ford is great as Scut Farkas, the neighborhood bully. The props were also a highlight of the show, especially the family car and the giant Santa slide.

Westside Stage has succeeded in yet another great performance. Their next production is “Legally Blonde: The Musical” and will be premiering soon.

By Claudia Guthrie

