Kathryn Nathan Strives Through High School


Story by Parker Allwood

“It’s high school, you gotta get through it.” This is Sophomore Kathryn Nathan’s philosophy when it comes to being a student at West. Luckily, with her plans for the future, Nathan might be able to get through school faster than most. She hopes to graduate early, perhaps by the end of junior year.

By being enrolled in business classes and advanced classes as well as ROTC she is well on her way. Although she might view high school as something to “get through”,  a few teachers have helped her along the way. “Mr. Little and Mrs. Hayes are awesome, I had Mr. Smith my freshmen year and he was awesome too,” Nathan said.

Although she is currently involved in ROTC following in her family footsteps and joining the military is only a back up plan for Nathan. After high school she hopes to the West Coast, get a degree, and teach history to high schoolers.

Living in a house of eight, all biological brothers and one foster sister, might be taxing for most but Nathan has always found a way to make time for herself and her hobbies. Some of her hobbies include running, writing, and hanging out with friends.

She also loves discussing music with her friends, Freshman Brian Allhiser being one of them. “ We’ve known each other for about five years” Allhiser said, “we met through my brother and basically became best friends.”

Another friend of Nathan’s, Senior Victoria Schmidt views her in a very positive light, “we met through mutual friends, she is super nice and really smart too.”

As Nathan progresses through high school she has advice for her younger siblings about finding friends, “find friends and stick with them, find people that you click with and find good people to be with.” When her peers reflect on her she said she hopes she has established herself, “ I hope people think of me as honest, caring and always willing to help.”

