The 1975 Concert Review

Photos By Lilly Mather

Review by Lilly Mather

When you hear the band name, The 1975, you probably have three responses: Who?; That girly band?; or holy crap I love them! The first time I saw the 1975 live, I had literally started listening to them two days before.  It was the first concert I didn’t miss because I discovered them to late. The concert was of course, amazing. But this concert was so much better. And I somehow got free tickets.

A couple months ago, I was reading up on concert photography and how to get press passes. I thought I might as well apply to them but I probably won’t get them. I’m a seventeen year old kid that’s part of a small school newspaper. Why would they give me press pass? Still don’t really know the answer myself really. Either way it was amazing.

I had just happened to open my email the day before the concert for some other reason. And what do I find. An email confirming my press passes and two free tickets. My parents thought I was hurt because I couldn’t talk. After my excitement died down, I realized I knew nothing about taking pictures at a concert.

I really was only able to take pictures of the first three songs for each band. The first opener, The Japanese House, was pleasant and very relaxing. I took my pictures from each side of the stage and had a good time. The Japanese House is technically the leader singer, Amber Bain. She only just started performing live so it was awesome to get to see her.

Now on to probably my least favorite band in the world. Now I’ve never been that big of a fan when it comes to screamo, metal music, but Wolf Alice is just straight up bad. They basically only have one song that isn’t terrible and I could barely listen to it. I only took photos of one song and then proceeded to plug my ears and hide in the bathroom.

There is one reason while I will see The 1975 every time they come into town. Their shows are actually shows. The lead singer is actually feeling the music rather than just standing there with a guitar. He dances like there aren’t a 1000 people watching, and he dances like a dad. You can tell that he wrote his music because he feels something, not because it will make the band money.

Another reason I’ll always see them, is that they play a long set. Both concerts I went to they probably played for 2 hours and performed almost every song. And I practically screamed along with every song. And they pulled the whole encore thing, and played their 4 most famous songs last.

The 1975 might not be the type of music you enjoy but you have to admit they have their own style. They aren’t a band just for teenage girls, they’re a band for everyone. There were even old people sitting next to me.

The show was downright amazing and I suggest you go even if you’re barely a fan of The 1975. They normally have reasonably priced tickets and 100% worth the time and money.



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