Students’ holiday favorites

Seniors Emma Gaudette and Ansley Hamid talk about gift ideas for friends. Buying gifts for friends is something many enjoy about the holidays. Photo by Sarah Melchert.

Movies, cookies, snowflakes, and presents. For many, the holidays translate to traditions.

These traditions may be different for everyone, but holiday movies, music and food seem to be popular. 

Senior Amanda Berkstresser has favorite holiday movies too. She said her favorite Christmas movies, that get her in the Christmas spirit are “Elf” and “Home Alone 2.”  

Along with movies, holiday music can be favorites. Songs like “The Christmas Song,” “Silent Night,” and “White Christmas” are wildly popular.

Senior Ansley Hamid said she enjoys listening to holiday music during this time of year. “I listen to it all year round but it’s only socially acceptable at Christmas,” Hamid said.

Holiday foods can also be a favorite for some. Some favorite dishes may include turkey, mashed potatoes, hot chocolate, cookies, and much more.

Berkstresser said she loves all of the holiday foods, but turkey and mashed potatoes are her favorite.

Senior Emma Gaudette loves food during the holidays, too. One of Gaudette’s favorite holiday foods is cookies. “You can just stuff your face and take a nap, and then eat some more and then take another nap,” Gaudette said.

Some other holiday favorites for people include the weather. Berkstresser said that she loves snow during the holidays, “but you can’t always get what you want,” said Berkstresser.

Even though movies, songs, and food are holiday favorites, being with friends, family, and loved ones is something many enjoy.

Hamid and Gaudette also enjoy spending time with friends and one another. Hamid and Gaudette even exchange gifts with each other during the holidays.

Berkstresser also said that “Being together with friends and family, and the feeling that’s in the air” is the best thing about the holidays.

